Wednesday 29 April 2009

Is there emotional side to sectors within our society for example the Third sector, private sector and the Public sector is there a responsibility for

Business has become, in this last half-century, the most powerful institution on the planet. The dominant institution in any society needs to take responsibility for the whole.
Futurist Willis Harman (1918-1997)

A few principles that as all humans have basic emotional needs:

  • Each of us has similar, but different emotional needs
  • Emotional needs vary more in extent than in type
  • Emotional needs vary more than physical needs
  • Emotional needs are more basic and as important as "rights"

Negative feelings are indications of our unmet emotional needs
  • Feelings are real and are not debatable.
  • Invalidation damages self-esteem
  • High self-esteem is needed for life’s pursuits, productivity, job satisfaction, and customer service
  • Group harmony requires both shared need satisfaction and common respect of feelings.
  • Importance of Emotions

Our bodies communicate with us and others to tell us what we need, the better our communication, the better we feel.

  • Emotions help us establish our boundaries on certain subjects and our bonding and bridging.
  • Emotions have the potential to unite and connect us on certain subjects.
  • Emotions can serve as our inner moral and ethical compass on certain subjects.
  • Emotions are essential for good decision making.

What doesn't feel good to us normally doesn't feel good to others. But to understand the importance of this, we must first be in touch with our own feelings.

So how do organisation assessed this human principles round equality and diversity, and what feelings are attached to equality and diversity within the organisation.

The key feelings you want your customers, clients or service users and citizens to have when engaging with your service is following with regard to fairness, values, beliefs. Is this a want to have or a need to have.

The following principles have to happen within the service provision:
Respected, Important, Remembered, Acknowledged, Satisfied, Helped, Understood. Basically the boils down to dignity and respected and choice and control and empowerment.

  • What do you think?
  • Doe’s it matter?

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