Tuesday 28 April 2009

The emotional Leadership on Equality and diversity

Institutions that endure do not do so because of a single, charismatic leader, but because of a culture that fosters leadership throughout the system" - Max Weber, sociologist, 1864-1920

Three fundamental facts about human beings: exceptionality, essentiality, and equality.

Exceptionality means that all of us are exceptions to the rule. No two human beings are exactly alike.
Essentiality refers to everyone’s need to feel needed to feel essential, but not central.
Equality means that we each want to share our voices. People must feel that they have a right and a responsibility to lift up their visions of a better society.

How does it feel to realise that?

Is a great question to ask leadership whenever someone tells you about some ‘light bulb moment’ or a time when they made a real difference around Equality and diversity?

How many questions have been asked around how to truly embed Equality and Diversity within an organisation like the writing running through the middle of sea side rock? You can break it any way and get that theme running through it. That’s how Equality and Diversity should be.
  • What do you think?
  • Does it matter?

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