Thursday 9 April 2009

Currency of measurement of Equality what are you measuring within your organisations.

“Although social change cannot come overnight, we must always work as though it were a possibility in the morning.”

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr
Equality and Decision Making on equality and diversity and measuring the effectiveness.

Clearly, the dynamics of individuals interacting in a group are complicated and complex and difficult to predict. Many factors naturally come into play, including attributes of the group, the group’s members, the nature of the group task assigned, the organisational context within which the group interaction occurs, and the structure imposed on the group’s interaction.

Two practical questions need to be asked about how we measure this:
  • equality between whom?

Some of the parameters for the Equalities Review are already set. The basic comparisons will be between individuals in the UK according to their sex, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion and age. This identifies the relevant unit of analysis as the individual (rather than groups or nation states, for example); it identifies the relevant population as the UK; and it identifies the principal characteristics for analysis.

  • equality of what?

Can be grouped under three broad headings, the distinctions between them are not always clear cut:

  • equality of process
  • equality of outcome
  • equality of autonomy.

Nonetheless, organisations would be better served if a greater uniformity could be observed regarding the progressive realisation of equality measurements framework.

What are you’re understand of these terms:
(i) outcomes
(ii) processes (discrimination, dignity and respect)
(iii) autonomy (empowerment, choice and control)

How do you measure your progressive relalisation towards equality.

What do you think?

Does it matter?

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