Friday 13 March 2009

The search for understanding of equality and diversity?

Recipe for change

Some thoughts on how to change things using this Metaphor of recipe and ingredients for change. I like especially like ‘hating the sin, loving the sinner'. It's easy to berate people for not getting your point of view especially on equality and diversity issues it's hard to figure out how to be more influential.

Recipe for a change maker:


A simple idea rooted in reality: Something simple dazzling real needs.
  • Hope not ignorance: People will put a lot of effort in if they think there's a chance.
  • Understanding: The more people understand, the more it frightens those that wield the power. Understanding the roots of the problem is the key to positive action.
  • Trust and consistency not indifference: It's essential to inspire trust, which in turns needs consistency of principles at least.
  • Action not inaction: It can be lonely, since you're up against the established views shared by most. If you threaten those in power, you'll be ignored by most. Be ready to take flak.


Ask the right questions

Hate the sin, love the sinner: Lasting change means convincing the people who initially loathe what you stand for.

Be both patient and impatient: Be resilient and persist, but be ready to pounce on opportunities when they come and remember the complex details of equality and diversity are just simple in essence.

Work quietly: rather than seeking attention. You’ll be respected more for it in the end.

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