Tuesday 24 March 2009

Personality qualities and how there affect our view on equality and diversity.

Particular tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways that can be used to describe the personality of every individual person’s personalities influence their behavior and approach to managing people and resources.
No single qualities is right or wrong for being an effective person we need to view it as better or worse.

Effectiveness is determined by a complex interaction between the characteristics of people and the nature of the actives and organisation in which we are taking part in.

Personality qualities that enhance effectiveness in one situation may actually weaken it in another.

Other personality qualities internal place of control for beliefs that we are responsible for our own fate. Own actions and behaviors are major and influential cause of life outcomes.

Other Personality qualities external place of control for believes that outside forces are responsible for what happens to and around us. Do not think our own actions make much of a difference. Self-esteem the degree to which we as people feel good about ourselves and our abilities. High self-esteem causes us as people to feel competent, and capable. A person with low self-esteem has poor opinions of themselves and their abilities. Need for achievement, the extent to which we as individual has a strong desire to perform challenging tasks well and meet personal standards for excellence. Need for affiliation the extent to which an individual is concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being liked, and having other people get along with you. Need for power, the extent to which our individual desires to control or influence others.

Values, Attitudes, and Moods and Emotions.

If we look at Values, describe what people try to achieve through work and how they think they should behave at work.

If we look at Attitudes, capture people’s thoughts and feelings about their specific jobs and organisations.

If we look at Moods and Emotions, encompass how we as people actually feel when we are managing others.

When we look at our terminal values, a personal conviction about life-long goals, our sense of accomplishment, equality, and self-respect.

Then there is the Instrumental value, a personal conviction about desired modes of conduct or ways of behaving within the organisations, being hard-working, broadminded, and capable.

When we look at our value system, they are the terminal and instrumental values that are the guiding principles in our individual life.

When we interact with the organisational culture which has a shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms, and work routines that influence how members of an organisation relate to one another and work together to achieve organisational goals.

May have issues around a shared bonding and social capital around equality and diversity and the meaning of fairness.

What do you think?

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