Monday 2 March 2009

Equality of what?

What does this actual mean to people and the organisation?

“Democratic system does not guarantee equality of conditions it only guarantees equality of opportunity.”

When we talk about equality how does organisations go about putting it into action?

And what does it gives us when we start asking question like equality to whom?

Where is our starting point for advantage and disadvantage of equality of opportunity?

Culture as emergence

According to the anthropologist Mary Douglas, culture is not static ‘thing’ but something, which everyone is constantly creating, affirming and expressing. She writes about, "the admonitions, excuses, and moral judgements by which the people mutually coerce one another into conformity." (Douglas 1985: xxiii)

In this view culture is not imposed from outside but exposed from within; any programme on equality which attempts to change culture in a planned way is likely to miss the mark.

What steps are organisations actual doing to implement equality in all its glory?

What steps are you taking to have a foundation of the principles of fairness, cross the strands of age, race, gender, disability sexual orientation, religious belief.

What is your starting point?

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