Thursday 12 November 2009

What habit patterns have got around Equality and Diversity?

Every person who has had even a slight opportunity to observe children will have noticed the one great fact about the pattern of habit. The thousand things that you do during a single day, from the time you dress yourself to the time you brush your teeth at night, are mostly acts of habit. If each act were not customary, it would require so much thought and attention that you could hardly do much more than get past your breakfast and make it through to bedtime. Habits enable us to do the necessary everyday things without conscious effort, thus leaving the mind free to do the new things, to attend to the really interesting things, to solve the new problems that constantly arise.

A great thinker has said that habit is nine-tenths of life. Whatever the exact proportion may be, the importance of habit is so great that we cannot afford to neglect the habits that our children and we as adult are acquiring. Let’s be thankful for how far the habits of ourselves shape our children. Most of the habits that we have learned to deal with everyday things become fixed in childhood. When children get to the school age, they acquire new sets of habits as a result of their thinking about life and character. That is, they develop ideals and try to live up to them. It is therefore the first duty of the parent, to see that their young child acquires the fundamental habits that are necessary for his/her welfare and for his/her happy association with others. The parent’s next duty is to see to it that as the child approaches teenage years, he or she has the opportunity and motivation to acquire lofty ideals.

Can you think of other habit patterns that you have formed within your daily life of activities?

Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form. That's because the behavioural behavioural patterns we repeat most often are literally etched in our brains pathways.

The good news is that through repetition, it's possible to form new habits.

So what habit patterns have we picked up about Equality and Diversity and what behaviours are associated with them?

Is it positive or negative around equality and diversity?

What do you think?

Does it matter?

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