Thursday 29 October 2009

Have we come to a crossroad when we talk about Equality?

What emotion does it bring forward?

The rich developed societies have reached turning points in human history.

Politics should now be about the quality of social relations and how we can develop harmonious and sustainable societies.

It’s about balancing cooperation and competition, how do we reconcile these when we talk about equality.

The vision that the Government and the Equality and Human Rights Commission has of the UK society: An equal society protects and promotes equal, real freedom and substantive opportunity to live in the ways people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish.
An equal society recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and can be.

Are we all in pursuit of this? Or are we feeding the co-operation versus competition debate? In doing this, are we cementing the “Them and US” culture of fear? Where are we on the Barometer of Equality? Are we closer to “Great words of good Intentions” or the discriminatory society of the BNP and other extremists?

Remember, people will judge us by our actions, not our intentions. We may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg.

Is this vision of the United Kingdom a need or is it a want in the history of our time, as a generation, we will be held to account for our actions or inactions, on achieving equality.

What do you think?

Does it matter?

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